Clarification: This is a review solely intended for a purchased product called "Inventum AC125W white", belonging to the "Portable AirCo's" category and NOT intended for any other products!
Upon setting it up to the lowest available temperature (18 C), it indeed cools down, but I hear the A/C kind of "giving up" its cooling activity by clearly hearing it changing from cooling to fan only.
How do I know it? Just because by approximating my hand or face near the vents I can feel no longer the cooling air sensation coming out from it. It's just venting as a common fan!
And, another thing:
Why would one build a 3-in-1 device (A/C; dehumidifier and fan) by presenting a "cooling temperature" range between 18 C and 32 C !?!?
Months ago, I directly queried Inventum representatives if this device would not rather be a "4-in-1" device, only due to the presented temperature range ( from 18 to 32 degrees Centigrade) - with the added capacity of, during the Winter, playing the role of an ordinary heater as well? (Because, in my most humble opinion, from 24 onwards, we are already talking about "an ordinary heater" and not an A/C, right?).
Their answer was quite enigmatic (transcript below):
"Geachte heer/mevrouw ,
Hartelijk dank voor uw bericht. De cijfers die aangegeven worden in het display. in dit geval 32 graden. Is dit niet het verwarmen. Wanneer er een buiten temperatuur van 33 graden of hoger aanwezig is adviseren wij de airco nooit kouder te zetten dan -7 graden met de buiten temperatuur. Het komt niet regelmatig voor maar wanneer de buiten temperatuur rond de 35 tot 39 graden is. Kan de airco hierbij ingesteld worden op 32 graden. Ook dan zal de airco dus koelen. Bij deze temperaturen adviseren wij niet om de airco op 18 graden in te stellen. Daar dit niet goed is voor uw gezondheid. Het spijt ons u niet anders te kunnen informeren.
Wij gaan ervan uit u hiermee voldoende geïnformeerd te hebben. Mocht u eventueel nog vragen hebben, helpen wij u graag.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Sorry to say, but I "do not buy" the above-given explanation for the real reason why you would like to set up an A/C to 24 degrees Centigrade and above (i.e. 32 C), when at the end of the day Inventum clearly states that this device DOES NOT act as a heater.
- Powerful
- Cools down the ambiance
- Noisy
- Not a continuous, unstopabble cooling action
- Why 24 to 32 when it doesn't act as an "heater"?