Zonnatura Pruimensap Biologisch 750 ml - Specificaties

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Special Storage Conditions
Zie label
Manufacturer Name
Wessanen Benelux BV Hoogoorddreef 5 1101 BA Amsterdam
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Address of Responsible Economic Operator in the EU
Postbus 12795, 1100 AT Amsterdam (NL)
E-mail Address of Responsible Economic Operator in the EU
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NutVal Protein
0.6 g
NutVal Energy in kilocalories
81 kcal
NutVal Energy
345 kJ
NutVal Carbohydrates
19 g
Name of Responsible Economic Operator in the EU
Wessanen Benelux B.V.
NutVal Sugars
14 g
Packaging Shape
Glazen fles
NutVal Saturated Fatty Acids
0.1 g
NutVal Salt
0.01 g

Toelichting specificaties

Zonnatura Pruimensap Biologisch

Zonnatura Pruimen, biologisch geteeld dus van nature lekkerder.

  • Natuurtroebel
  • Krachtige smaak
  • Biologisch
  • Pruimen