Somfy 1870343

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The only plug and play alarm system that chases intruders away before they’ve even entered the premises, including a camera so you can see what is happening inside your home!\n\nFeel safe and secure with this complete plug and play alarm system.\nWith this comprehensive Somfy Home Alarm Pack, you can protect every nook and cranny in your house, because the motion detector and the three door and window sensors that come as standard immediately send a push message to your smartphone if there is a burglary. A loud siren goes off at the same time.\n\nAs soon as the camera detects movement, the siren will go off and you’ll immediately receive a push message on your smartphone. You can watch live, check the recorded images of 30 seconds and download those images for free.\n\nThe IntelliTAG™ is the only door and window sensor that warns you if there is an attempted break-in BEFORE the intruders break in. In the process, it can recognise the difference between a ball bumping the door and the door being forced open.\n\nIf unwanted visitors enter your home, the Somfy Indoor camera immediately starts recording. You can then view the clip and download it for free to your smartphone.\n\nAnd what about your pets? With the smart motion detector, animals up to 25 kg can romp around and run past the camera without setting off the alarm.\n\nFor your convenience, you get two special key fobs that you can use to switch the alarm on and off. Even better, as soon as you get close to your house, the system ‘sees’ that you’re standing in front of the door and is automatically switched off. Which is really useful if you happen to have your hands full.\n\nOf course, the Somfy Home Alarm Pack is already a complete system but can be expanded with various accessories, such as cameras and sensors, for instance.