MediaRange MR469 - Specificaties

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Toelichting specificaties

The doubles Layer technology provides nearly the double capacity as a conventional DVD. Through the increase of the data-volume, MediaRange DVD+R DL discs can also be used for high-resolution films in cinema quality with a playing time from over two hours or up to four hours using high-resolution MGEG-2 format. In addition the MediaRange DVD+R DL discs are compatible with DVD-Rom drives and DVD Players.\n\nFeatures\n- 8,5GB\n- 8x\n- extremly high storage capacity!\n- archiving of films in cinema-quality!\n- High quality AZO dye!\n- Wide compatibility with burners and software\n- Maximum possible recording stability\n- Outstanding archival life\n- Usable for video (CLV) and data (CAV)\n\nPrincipal uses\n- Storage of high-resolution-films\n- Storage of music, video and data\n- Storage of large data volumes and their retrieval\n- High storage density\n- Transfer from videos and larger data files\n- Ideal for longterm data archiving\n- For use with multimedia presentations