Royal Canin Hypoallergenic Small Dog - Specificaties

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Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Hypoallergenic Small Dogs is speciale voeding voor kleine honden tot 10 kg, met een voedselovergevoeligheid. Royal Canin Hypoallergenic is gluten- en lactosevrij. * Voor voedselgevoelige honden * Zeer licht verteerbare eiwitten * Bescherming van de huidfunctie * Gebitsverzorging
Toelichting partnumber
September 2018
Introductie model
Op Kieskeurig sinds
May 2018
droogvoer voor hond
Inhoud en afmetingen
Gewicht (gram)
3500 gram

Toelichting specificaties

For adult dogs under 10kg with Adverse Food Reactions (AFR), food allergy, food intolerance, with dermatological and/or gastro-intestinal signs, food elimination trial, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI), chronic diarrhoea, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).\n\nHydrolysed protein\nHydrolysed soya protein isolate, which is composed of low molecular weight peptides, is highly digestible and of very low allergenicity.\n\nLow RSS\nLow RRS (relative super saturation) diets encourage an undersaturated urinary environment, unfavourable to the development of struvite and calcium oxalate crystals.\n\nSkin barrier\nSpecially formulated complex of nutrients targeting the reduction of water loss through the skin to strengthen the barrier effect of the skin.\n\nDental health\nPentasodium triphosphate binds salivary calcium, making it unavailable for tartar formation.